Springfield Sheraton, One Monarch Place, Springfield MA, 01144
Saturday, October 19, 2024, 11AM – 4PM
Breakfast and lunch provided
Spanish interpretation provided
Hotel rooms available on Friday night for an additional fee
Sponsor the Convention!
Join us for Mass Union’s one-day Fall Convention! As always we will provide learning and networking opportunities. Additional agenda items include:
- Remarks from Springfield’s State Senator Adam Gomez and State Representative Carlos González, pictured below
- Remarks from EOHLC Secretary Ed Augustus, by recorded video, pictured below
- Updates to Mass Union’s Bylaws
- Raffles!
- Group Photo!
- Workshops! Topics will include Reasonable Accommodations, featuring Harvard Law Students from TAP; LTO Compliance and Officer Roles; Radical Inclusion; Advocacy 101; and Working with Your Housing Authority Board
Please note that scholarships funds will be limited this year. Please contact us with any questions.
Vans/buses are heading to the Convention from Fall River, Brockton, Cambridge and Salem. A limited number of seats are available on some of the vans/buses. Contact us for details and to reserve a spot! lilith@massunion.org, 617.825.9750
Parking at the Sheraton is $20 for the day, but there is a plethora of free parking within a short walk from the hotel. Please consult the map below. Note that while this map shows routes to the MassMutual Convention Center, it is the Sheraton below it where the Mass Union Fall Convention will be held.