The Mass Union of Public Housing Tenants board and staff would like to thank you for your membership in our union. Together, we are building power and voice for public housing tenants!
Member privileges include:
- Run and vote for our board of directors and officers
- Participate in committees
- Vote in our policy agenda prioritization process
- Receive technical assistance and training, including election support for your LTO
- Apply for scholarships to our bi-annual Conventions
- Join regional and state networks with other tenants to learn directly from each other
- Help us build Spaghetti Power to improve quality of life for tenants! Organizing is like spaghetti. One strand alone is easy to break with one hand. But bring a whole bunch of strands together – they become unbreakable. ~ Arlene Carr, Resident Leader
Please remit your dues online at this link or send a check payable to the Mass Union of Public Housing Tenants to 784 Washington Street, Suite 504, Dorchester MA 02124. Of course, please let us know if you have any questions.