Author: Mass Union
Notice of Upcoming Tenant Satisfaction Surveys – From EOHLC
Notice From the Executive Office of Housing and Livable Communities:
We are writing to inform you that Tenant Satisfaction Surveys will be mailed to public housing tenants over the next several days. This is in compliance with Chapter 235 ‘An Act Relative to Local Housing Authorities,’ requiring the Executive Office of Housing & Livable Communities to conduct an annual survey of residents living in state-aided public housing. Surveys will be mailed to approximately 9,000 family and elderly households at 50 housing authorities.
If tenants have any questions or concerns about the surveys, please assure them that they are legitimate and are part of our ongoing efforts to learn their thoughts on a variety of issues related to housing authority governance, operations and physical conditions.
Thank you for your attention to this matter. Feel free to reach out to Joyce Taylor with any questions or comments about the tenant satisfaction survey. You can reach her at:
Housing Authority Convention Sponsorship Opportunities
On October 19, 100 resident-leaders of the Mass Union of Public Housing Tenants will gather at the Springfield Sheraton for the Fall Conference for a day of networking and learning.
The regulations remind us that “cooperative working relationships enhance housing programs and benefit both LHAs and residents.” Educated tenants are an asset to any Housing Authority! To show our appreciation for your commitment to resident education, Mass Union and MassNAHRO will recognize participating Housing Authorities in the following ways.
Contact Mass Union at or 617-825-9750.
Oct 30-Nov 27: Resident Leader Training Series 2024
Wednesday mornings
October 30, November 6, 13, 20, and 27
10am – 11:30am
Via Zoom (link provided after you register)
Download and Share the Flyer (PDF)
This five-part training series will help you build confidence and skills to manage a successful Local Tenant Organization (LTO). Starting and sustaining an LTO is a lot of work, but Mass Union and our network of fellow tenants are here to help! Whether you are a seasoned leader or just getting started, join us to share tips, tricks and encouragement. We’ll talk about:
- Why to form a Local Tenant Organizations – and why not to!
- Leadership do’s and don’ts
- The rights and responsibilities of Local Tenant Organizations
- How to reach and engage other tenants by overcoming fear
- How to build power and voice to win changes at your Local Housing Authority
Registration Coming Soon! Save the Dates!
Fall 2024 Convention Sponsorship
Sponsorship Opportunities
Sponsorship is your opportunity to reach diverse public housing leaders and join with other corporations, institutions, and allies who stand for dignified public housing. Your support improves tenants’ rights and homes, and creates more equitable communities across the Commonwealth for everyone! Contact us or donate here.
Affordable housing is the #1 issue for Massachusetts’ families, communities, and economy. Safe secure public housing provides more than a place to live; it is the cornerstone that helps low-income families build educational and economic opportunity. Skyrocketing rents across the state create an unaffordable burden for many. For over half a century, public housing has provided affordable homes for thousands of the Commonwealth’s most vulnerable seniors, families, veterans, and persons with disabilities.
The resident-members of the Massachusetts Union of Public Housing Tenants, Mass Union, have successfully advocated for the preservation and improvement of public housing in our state themselves for over fifty years. We invite you to join MassSave, Eastern Bank, The Boston Foundation, Local Housing Authorities, and many others who have supported Mass Union, with a sponsorship for the Fall Conference.
“I was hesitant to attend Mass Union’s Fall Conference but I am so glad I went. I got lots of great information for our newly founded Local Tenant Organization. It really was an excellent experience. Thank you, Mass Union!”
– Ellen Jacobson, Member
Keynote speaker
Invitation to offer a Conference Welcome.
Mass Union representative to present a lunch and learn at your location.
Deliver your message in a dedicated email to 700 residents on our statewide mailing list.
Conference vendor table and four lunches.
Premium full-page Program Book ad on back cover or inside front cover.
Prominent logo on event signage and swag.
Prominent logo on Mass Union website, event emails and social media.
Sponsor the Conference luncheon
Invitation to offer remarks during lunch at the Conference.
Conference vendor table and three lunches.
Full-page Program Book ad.
Prominent logo on event signage and swag.
Prominent logo on Mass Union website, event emails,
and social media.
GOLD SPONSOR – $2,500.00
Two opportunities available to sponsor buses that transport Conference participants
Logo on the bus.
Conference vendor table and free lunches.
Half-page Program Book ad.
Logo on event signage and swag.
Logo on Mass Union website, event emails, and socials.
SILVER SPONSOR – $1,000.00
Conference vendor table and one lunch.
Half-page Program Book ad.
Logo on event signage and swag.
Logo on Mass Union website, event emails, and socials.
Conference vendor table and one lunch.
Listing in Program Book.
Advertisement Opportunities
Please email for more information on advertising in our Program Book.
To Sponsor, contact Sarah Byrnes at or Donate Here.
Proposed Changes to Mass Union’s Bylaws – Letter to Affiliates
Dear affiliates,
Hello from Mass Union! At our Convention on October 19, you will have the opportunity to vote on eleven (11) proposed changes to our bylaws. This information was sent to our affiliates in the snail mail. Contact us if you have not received your packet.
These changes are offered in the spirit of streamlining and improving Mass Union’s operations so that we can do more to serve you and the thousands of tenants we have not yet reached. We estimate that fewer than 10% of tenants are represented by a tenant organization, so there is a lot of room to grow! These proposed changes are designed to give us the stability and flexibility we need for growth. Please note:
- Voting on these amendments will occur after lunch at the Convention on October 19 in Springfield. See our website or contact us for more information about attending the Convention.
- Voting will not include discussion.
- If you would like to discuss the proposals before voting, please attend the bylaws workshop we will hold at the Convention before lunch. You can also contact our staff or board any time!
What are bylaws? Bylaws are a “governance” document. They state our mission and spell out who is involved in Mass Union—i.e., our affiliates, board, and staff. They also spell out who has which “powers”—i.e., who can do what. As examples, the affiliates have the power to participate in committees and elect board members. Board members have the power to adopt policies and budgets and hire the Executive Director. The Executive Director has the power to hire other staff and run the day-to-day operations of the organization. This all flows from our mission statement, which is included in the bylaws. Together, we can accomplish our mission to build power and voice for tenants.
Because it requires a lot of work to change bylaws, they should not include too much detail. They should not make “programming” decisions about how we accomplish our mission. These decisions should be made in policies and planning documents, such as a Strategic Plan.
On September 5, we held a webinar with affiliates about these proposed changes. We got great feedback and want to thank all who attended. The main feedback was to develop policies to address the areas that would be taken out of the bylaws. We heard you! And as such we wish to draw your attention to the following policies and plans, some of which are included herein.
- Mass Union’s Proposed Mission, Vision, Values, Goals and Plans
- Mass Union’s Internal Financial Controls Policy – The board is working on a policy to address details previously covered in the bylaws. This will be up for a vote at the September board meeting. Please join our Finance Committee meeting on October 9 at 2pm over Zoom to hear a status update. Contact us for the Zoom link. Treasurer Sonia Andujar and Assistant Treasurer Danielle Connolly warmly welcome any affiliate to attend the Finance Committee meetings.
To make things as clear as possible, we are enclosing the following documents:
Once again, please contact us with any questions. To ensure an orderly voting process at the Convention, we are striving to address your questions as soon as possible. Our office phone is 617.825.9750 or you can email Thank you for your participation in Mass Union and we hope to see you at the Convention!
Dave Underhill, Chair
Don Hamilton, Vice Chair and Co-Chair, Bylaws Committee
Nicole Beckles, Board Member and Co-Chair, Bylaws Committee
Sarah Byrnes, Executive Director
More Background
Mass Union received the following guidance from our strategic consultants as part of an organizational assessment conducted last fall.
Mass Union Fall 2024 Convention
Springfield Sheraton, One Monarch Place, Springfield MA, 01144
Saturday, October 19, 2024, 11AM – 4PM
Breakfast and lunch provided
Spanish interpretation provided
Hotel rooms available on Friday night for an additional fee
Sponsor the Convention!
Join us for Mass Union’s one-day Fall Convention! As always we will provide learning and networking opportunities. Additional agenda items include:
- Remarks from Springfield’s State Representative, Carlos González (pictured)! And other state officials TBA
- Updates to Mass Union’s Bylaws
- Raffles!
- Group Photo!
- Workshops! Topics will include Reasonable Accommodations, featuring Harvard Law Students from TAP, and other great topics TBA
Sept 19: Webinar Resident Leader Training Session
Mass Union is very excited to see everyone online on Sept 19! All public housing residents are welcome. We will focus on the following:
- Building power through strength in numbers (Spaghetti Power!)
- Prioritizing issues
- Listening skills
Whether you are trying to start an LTO or simply looking to refresh your knowledge, please join us. Here are the details:
Webinar Resident Leader Training Session
Thursday, September 19, 10am-11:30am
Sept 18: Reasonable Accommodations Workshop
Offered by the Mass Office on Disability
Reasonable Accommodation and Modification Requests in Housing Workshop
September 18, 2024, 5:30-7:30 PM
If you can’t equally enjoy your housing because of a disability-related obstacle, what do you do? Join us for an interactive virtual workshop on the reasonable accommodation (RA) and modification (RM) request process in housing. This workshop provides information and examples to help you understand the process from start to finish and tips to avoid common pitfalls. This workshop is designed for residents with disabilities (or their advocates), whether they live in rented accommodation or are owners in a housing/condo association.
October 8: Planning 102- How Racism & Classism Shaped Boston & Beyond
A training from the Mel King Institute.
This innovative training series is a three-part hybrid training (101 & 102 are virtual, and 103 is in-person.) 102 will cover the historical evolution of planning in the context of systemic racism and efforts for equity. The interactive course will allow participants to gain perspectives from across the planning field. This training is ideal for people who are not currently practicing planners (staff members of CDCs, nonprofits, and those whose professions intersect with planning, such as community organizers and engagement professionals).
Esta innovadora serie de capacitación es una capacitación híbrida de tres partes (101 y 102 son virtuales y 103 es presencial). 102 cubrirá la evolución histórica de la planificación en el contexto del racismo sistémico y los esfuerzos por la equidad. El curso interactivo permitirá a los participantes obtener perspectivas de todo el campo de la planificación. Esta capacitación es ideal para personas que actualmente no ejercen como planificadores (miembros del personal de los CDC, organizaciones sin fines de lucro y aquellos cuyas profesiones se cruzan con la planificación, como organizadores comunitarios y profesionales de participación).
Instructor: Elijah Romulus