Sept 19- Southshore Resident Leader Training Session

Mass Union is very excited to head down to Brockton on September 19, 2024, for an in-person training session! All public housing residents are welcome. We will focus on the following:

    • Building power through strength in numbers (Spaghetti Power!)
    • Prioritizing issues
    • Listening skills

Whether you are trying to start an LTO or simply looking to refresh your knowledge, please join us. Here are the details:

South Shore Resident Leader Training Session
Thursday, September 19, 10am-3pm
Belair Heights Community Room
77 Earle St
Brockton, MA 02301

Breakfast and lunch will be provided – please plan to arrive by 9:30

    • Stay tuned for information about parking
    • Spanish-English interpretation will be provided and Spanish speakers are enthusiastically encouraged to attend!

This training will be co-led by Maria Fernandes-Dominique of Culture Builders Cooperative LLC and is part of our partnership with the Mel King Institute.

Sept 18: Reasonable Accommodations Workshop

Reasonable Accommodation and Modification Requests in Housing Workshop

September 18, 2024, 5:30-7:30 PM

If you can’t equally enjoy your housing because of a disability-related obstacle, what do you do? Join us for an interactive virtual workshop on the reasonable accommodation (RA) and modification (RM) request process in housing. This workshop provides information and examples to help you understand the process from start to finish and tips to avoid common pitfalls. This workshop is designed for residents with disabilities (or their advocates), whether they live in rented accommodation or are owners in a housing/condo association.


October 8: Planning 102- How Racism & Classism Shaped Boston & Beyond

A training from the Mel King Institute.


This innovative training series is a three-part hybrid training (101 & 102 are virtual, and 103 is in-person.) 102 will cover the historical evolution of planning in the context of systemic racism and efforts for equity. The interactive course will allow participants to gain perspectives from across the planning field. This training is ideal for people who are not currently practicing planners (staff members of CDCs, nonprofits, and those whose professions intersect with planning, such as community organizers and engagement professionals).

Esta innovadora serie de capacitación es una capacitación híbrida de tres partes (101 y 102 son virtuales y 103 es presencial). 102 cubrirá la evolución histórica de la planificación en el contexto del racismo sistémico y los esfuerzos por la equidad. El curso interactivo permitirá a los participantes obtener perspectivas de todo el campo de la planificación. Esta capacitación es ideal para personas que actualmente no ejercen como planificadores (miembros del personal de los CDC, organizaciones sin fines de lucro y aquellos cuyas profesiones se cruzan con la planificación, como organizadores comunitarios y profesionales de participación).

Instructor: Elijah Romulus

July 26 – OPHVP Resident Coalition and Capacity Building Training

Join us at Thomas P. O’Neill, Jr. Federal Building in Boston, MA on July 26th, 2024 from 9:00am to 5:00pm for an upcoming Public Housing Resident Coalition and Capacity Building Training hosted by the Office of Public and Indian Housing’s Office of Public Housing and Voucher Programs (OPHVP). This comprehensive in-person training is designed to equip Public Housing Residents with the knowledge, skills, tools, and capacity to successfully implement resident/tenant participation as required by 24 CFR 964.16.
During the day-long session, participants will work through the processes of forming and implementing effective and sustainable Resident Councils and regional coalitions of public housing residents. Tenant leaders and members of resident organizations will have the opportunity to:
  • Develop knowledge and skills to initiate, strengthen, and/or sustain the capacity of their own Resident Councils
  • Develop knowledge, skills, and networking connections to build and sustain effective regional coalitions of public housing residents
  • Learn how to become more effective advocates through partnerships with their public housing agencies (PHAs) and other community organizations
  • Learn more about the information and tools available in HUD’s Public Housing Resident Organizing and Participation Toolkit 

Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity to be part of positive change within your community. If you’re interested in participating, please take a moment to complete the registration form here. Your involvement can make a significant impact!

June 14: Webinar on the Tenant Participation Funding Increase

11:30am – 12:30pm

Today, June 7, new state regulations went into effect. These new regulations include the increase in Tenant Participation Funds from $6/unit/year to $25! That means that you can now request additional Tenant Participation Funds. We know many people have questions about this process and about what the funding can be used for, so we are holding a webinar about this topic.

Webinar: Tenant Participation Funding (TPF) Increase
Friday, June 14, 11:30am – 12:30pm

Join Mass Union to review the process for requesting increased Tenant Participation Funds and discuss allowable uses for the funds. See information from EOHLC below, which we will review together.

This webinar will immediately follow a thirty-minute Policy Committee meeting. Join us at 11am for brief policy updates, and then stick around for the discussion about Tenant Participation Funds at 11:30. Both will be on the Zoom link below.

Zoom Link:
Phone: 301.715.8592; ID: 967 953 7651

If you cannot attend the webinar, our staff are also available to answer questions about Tenant Participation Funding. Reach out to for support. Hope to see you soon!

EOHLC has provided this information in Public Housing Notice 2024-07:

“Amended LTO funding is effective June 7, 2024. To receive an increase in funding, LTOs must submit a revised budget for LHA approval that reflects the increase in LTO funding authorized by the revision of 760 CMR 6.09(3)(c). Once an LTO budget is approved by the LHA, the LHA will then disburse the revised LTO funding. The LHA should account for the LTO increase in any budget revision. No action is required if the LTO’s budget would not increase based upon the new per occupied unit funding.”

June 27: Resident Board Member Training

Register here: 

This free virtual training is part of the Mel King Institute’s Public Housing Training Program. It is only open to residents who serve on the Board of their Local Housing Authority. As part of Mass Union’s partnership with MKI, Sarah Byrnes will be the trainer.

The training helps participants handle challenges unique to their particular role as both a resident and a Board Member. Participants learn about the role of the Board Member, take an in-depth look at budgets and capital improvement plans, and receive a free resource binder. They get a chance to network with each other to discuss experiences and share stories in order build confidence to perform their duties and contribute to a thriving Housing Authority.

Quotes from past participants and stakeholders:

  • “This Resident Board Member Training was the best I ever took. I have been talking all types of classes for 25 years now. My resource binder is now my Bible for questions and answers.” – Phyllis May, Resident Board Member, Framingham Housing Authority
  • “I enjoyed this training immensely. The role-playing activities brought the examples home to us and aided us in understanding Board and resident issues. I would recommend this course to anyone who is a Resident Board Member.” – Susan Stanek, Resident Board Member, Ludlow Housing Authority

Please email or call Emma Caviness if you have any questions,, 617-379-5933.

LTO Election Boot Camp

Join Mass Union’s LTO Election Boot Camp!
Launch Date: June 11, 2024
Wrap Up Date: October 4, 2024

Are you starting a new Local Tenant Organization (LTO)? Does your current LTO need a new election? In either case, join us for Boot Camp! This special training and support series will walk you through all the steps necessary to hold a fair election and launch or revive a strong LTO. We’ll focus on recognition requirements as well as essential skills such as relationship-building, running meetings, and distributing flyers. Start your LTO off on the right foot by learning from other experienced tenant leaders and the Mass Union staff!

Boot Camp lasts for several months to give you time to collect nominations for your LTO’s board, give notice about the election, hold the election, adopt bylaws, and learn crucial skills. You will:

    • Attend five ninety-minute training sessions – three in June, and two in September
    • Hold two community meetings to launch the process and adopt bylaws
    • Distribute and collect nomination papers
    • Post flyers
    • Keep your Housing Authority informed and request their help as needed
    • Receive one-on-one support throughout
    • Build relationships with tenants

By October 4, the process will be complete and new LTOs will be ready to officially request recognition from your Housing Authority. See the detailed timeline below. (Note that while boot camp lasts several months, there is a lot of downtime in July and August!)

  • Kick Off Training Sessions
    June 11, 18 and 25, 1:00-2:30pm

These training sessions will review the entire election process, help you build crucial skills, and prepare you to run community meetings and conduct outreach.

  • Community Meeting I: Let’s Get Started!

With help from us, you’ll run a meeting for your community to discuss the new LTO and encourage people to run for the board. Meetings should be held by July 19 at the latest.

  • Collect Nominations for the Board

After your community meeting, you will open up a 30-day nomination period for people to nominate themselves or others. This will take place from approximately July 22 through August 22.

  • Post Election Notices

Fourteen and seven days before the election, you must post notices or distribute flyers about the election.

  • Election!

During the week of September 9, Mass Union will come to your community to run your election!

  • Training Sessions: Get Official
    September 17 and 24, 1:00-2:30pm

After your election, we will reconvene with our training cohort to celebrate and prepare for the next important step: adopting bylaws with your community. (Current LTOs can use this opportunity to update their bylaws if needed.)

  • Community Meeting II: Bylaws and Budget

As a final step, you will hold a second community meeting to adopt (or amend) your bylaws and your budget by October 4. You are then ready to request official recognition. Congrats, you’re an LTO!