Fall 2024 Convention Sponsorship Opportunities

Sponsorship is your opportunity to reach diverse public housing leaders and join with other corporations, institutions, and allies who stand for dignified public housing. Your support improves tenants’ rights and homes, and creates more equitable communities across the Commonwealth for everyone! Contact us or donate here.

Affordable housing is the #1 issue for Massachusetts’ families, communities, and economy. Safe secure public housing provides more than a place to live; it is the cornerstone that helps low-income families build educational and economic opportunity. Skyrocketing rents across the state create an unaffordable burden for many. For over half a century, public housing has provided affordable homes for thousands of the Commonwealth’s most vulnerable seniors, families, veterans, and persons with disabilities.

The resident-members of the Massachusetts Union of Public Housing Tenants, Mass Union, have successfully advocated for the preservation and improvement of public housing in our state themselves for over fifty years. We invite you to join MassSave, Eastern Bank, The Boston Foundation, Local Housing Authorities, and many others who have supported Mass Union, with a sponsorship for the Fall Conference.

“I was hesitant to attend Mass Union’s Fall Conference but I am so glad I went. I got lots of great information for our newly founded Local Tenant Organization. It really was an excellent experience. Thank you, Mass Union!”
– Ellen Jacobson, Member


Keynote speaker

Invitation to offer a Conference Welcome.
Mass Union representative to present a lunch and learn at your location.
Deliver your message in a dedicated email to 700 residents on our statewide mailing list.
Conference vendor table and four lunches.
Premium full-page Program Book ad on back cover or inside front cover.
Prominent logo on event signage and swag.
Prominent logo on Mass Union website, event emails and social media.

Sponsor the Conference luncheon

Invitation to offer remarks during lunch at the Conference.
Conference vendor table and three lunches.
Full-page Program Book ad.
Prominent logo on event signage and swag.
Prominent logo on Mass Union website, event emails,
and social media.

GOLD SPONSOR – $2,500.00
Two opportunities available to sponsor buses that transport Conference participants

Logo on the bus.
Conference vendor table and free lunches.
Half-page Program Book ad.
Logo on event signage and swag.
Logo on Mass Union website, event emails, and socials.

SILVER SPONSOR – $1,000.00

Conference vendor table and one lunch.
Half-page Program Book ad.
Logo on event signage and swag.
Logo on Mass Union website, event emails, and socials.


Conference vendor table and one lunch.
Listing in Program Book.

Advertisement Opportunities

Please email info@massunion.org for more information on advertising in our Program Book.

To Sponsor, contact Sarah Byrnes at sarah@massunion.org or Donate Here.

Thank you to the Housing Authorities supporting tenants this Fall Convention!