Mass Union Statement on our Leadership

In May of 2023, in accordance with our bylaws, Mass Union held a Convention and board election. Because it is an odd-numbered year, the Directors (not Officers) were up for election. Twelve people ran for eight seats, representing the first time in recent memory that there were more interested parties than seats available. As a result, Mass Union attained its first full slate of Board Members in recent memory.

At the election, approximately 100 people were in attendance and witnessed a proper electoral procedure take place. Thirty-two affiliates participated and cast votes. The affiliates elected the following Directors who are still serving: Jessica Quinonez, Carol Roberts, Nicole Beckles, Maryanne Potrzuski, Bret Perkins, Sonia Andujar and Danielle Connolly. Sonia has since become Treasurer. She joins Dave Underhill and Donald Hamilton as Officers of the organization. At our Spring 2024 Convention, the affiliates will elect officers to the board from among the current board members. Please stay tuned for more information about the election, and see our bylaws here.

In January of 2023, the Mass Union board offered the position of Executive Director to Sarah Byrnes. Sarah began on March 1, succeeding Jack Cooper, who had been ED for 37 years. The board wishes to thank Sarah for her steadfast leadership during this time, and applaud the work she and her staff have accomplished.

We also wish to thank our affiliates and all the residents who participate in Mass Union in many ways, including our board election, spring and fall Conventions, and online events. We appreciate your time and your heroic commitment to your communities. Together, we are Mass Union. We look forward to many fruitful years of work together.


The Mass Union Board of Directors and Officers