MU Proposed By-Laws

Please Review our Proposals!

In the Fall, Mass Union Board will convene the Fall 2022 Convention where we will vote on by-law amendments. Before the convention, we want to give Mass Union affiliates an opportunity to review and give feedback on proposed by-law amendments.

Here are links to the:

  1. By-laws with the Proposed Amendments
  2. Summary of Proposed Amendments for the Spring 2022 Convention
  3. An Online Survey

Mass Union is also mailing all of these materials to affiliates.

Chance to Review

MUPHT will be rescheduling its online zoom meeting for affiliates to review proposed by-laws. Stand by for more information.

Affiliate Feedback

There are two ways to give the Board feedback:

  1. mail in the hardcopy survey by August 10 or
  2. submit the online survey by August 17 at

Update on Spring 2022 Convention

Click for an update on votes taken at the Update on Spring 2022 Convention