Candidates for Chair: Don Hamilton and Dave Underhill
Don Hamilton
My name is Donald Hamilton, I am running for the office of CHAIR of Mass Union. I am President of Bishop Eid Tenants Association, I am the Vice-chair of the Board of The Fall River Tenants Association, I am Secretary on the Board of Mass Union. I have been active in all 3 positions. As President of Bishop Eid, I helped organized, write, and receive a Grant for $100K. The Grant gave us Outside Lighting and Security Cameras. As member of the Fall River Tenants Association, I have recently help with the election process in 1 Building with more elections to follow. As a member of Mass Union, I have helped in an election in the Boston Area, I have run 2 different workshops at our conventions, appeared in Quincy to give support for a training session. I have appeared in and gave testimony in 2 in person meetings with EOHLC (DHCD). When asked to help I took the lead. I am a man of my word I do what I say. TENANTS, TENANTS, TENANTS my first loyalty, my second loyalty is to the Board of Mass Union. I will do what is best for the Tenants and what is best for Mass Union. I respectfully ask for your vote and for your support.
Dave Underhill
Many of you already know me, my name is David Underhill, and I would appreciate your vote in my quest to continue as the Chairman of the MASS Union of Public Housing Tenants. Inc. The following are a few of my credentials that make me the perfect person to continue as Chairman.
- Current Chairman of MASS Union Board (2023 – Present)
- Former Vice Chairman of MASS Union Board (2021 – 2023)
- Member of MASS Union Board (2015 -2021)
- Current chairman of the Fall River Housing Joint Tenants Council (2018 – present)
- Member of the Fall River Housing Joint Tenant Council (2015 – present)
- Instrumental in getting the Tenant Assistant program at the Fall River Housing Authority implemented.
- Current Commissioner and vice chairman of the Fall River Housing Authority Board of Commissioners (2015 – Present)
- Resident Researcher with the Healthy Neighborhood Initiative (2021 – Present)
Based on my credentials I ask that you consider casting your affiliate’s vote for me to continue as your chairman. When reelected I will work hard to ensure that MASS Union’s voice is heard at all levels of Government within the Commonwealth.
Candidate for Vice Chair: Maryanne Potrzuski
To all the affiliates of Mass Union, my name is MARYANNE POTRZUSKI and I am on the board of Mass Union as a Director and temporary Secretary. I am also President of the Winthrop Terrace Tenant Organization as well as a Board of Commissioner/Chair for the Warren Housing Authority. As a tenant I have seen some of the confusion we face and have worked very hard to make this housing a safe place to live. One of my goals as Chair was to get as many tenants as possible on the board of commissioners and to date, we have 3 out of 5 with a potential of a 4th coming soon! What better way to have a voice than with the ability to have a VOTE!! For this reason I am seeking the position of Vice Chair to continue to do this very important work and hope I can count on your vote at the Spring Convention! I hope I can count on your vote!
Candidate for Secretary: Carol Roberts
Hi, my name is Carol Roberts, I am running for the position of Secretary of Mass Union.
I am the President of Caffrey Towers Tenants Association, in Brockton, Massachusetts. I have been in this position for over three years. I have also been the treasurer. I am now serving as the President of the Resident Advocacy Board for the tenants. As a board member on Mass Union, I will do my job to the best of my ability.
Candidate for Treasurer: Sonia Andujar
My main interest as a Board member is to continue understanding and practicing our A,B,C’s that is the legal duties that will continue to move Mass Union forward:
- Duty of care – the wise use of all assets
- Duty of loyalty-approve all activities that advance Mass Union mission
- Duty of compliance- follows the By-laws and other applicable laws and regulations
I am a member of the Alliance of Cambridge Tenants (ACT) since 2008 . I have been a Board Member acting as Treasurer and now coordinate their City Wide Meetings where tenants come together to find solutions to their housing issues. We work closely with the Cambridge Housing Authority. I am asking for your vote to continue as acting Treasurer and thank you for your consideration.
Candidate for Assistant Treasurer: Danielle Connolly
My name is Danielle Connolly and I am a Mass Union director and hold the interim Assistant Treasurer position on the board. I am also Vice President of the Stoneham Housing Residents Union. I am seeking the permanent Assistant Treasurer position for Mass Union come our Spring convention. I have been on the finance committee since being elected to the board and feel I would be a great contribution under Sonia to oversee Mass Union’s financial duties. I love being a part of an organization whose sole purpose is to be the voice of the tenants! I kindly ask for your vote in May to be your Assistant Treasurer of Mass Union. Thank you!