Board Director Nominations

Director (4 Seats available) Nominees: Gene Collins, Portia Gray-Goffigan, Kathleen Hunt, Lori Manzo, Rosa Marchese, Cassandra Page, and Sally Sennott



I am Gene Collins; I have been working with tenants to address tenant issues for the last eight years. I have a degree in Business Administration and 20+ years of experience as a manager and team member. I am a past city planning board member and served as a member of the city Board of Health prior. I have served on many boards before and hope to be an effective team member.

I would like to be a director to help the union grow membership, work with tenants from across the state to improve quality of life and be effective change agents.



Portia Gray-Goffigan has been a resident  of the Attleboro Housing Authority for 29 years. In 2005, with the training and support of Mass Union for Public Housing Tenants, and Attorney Annette Duke of Mass Law Reform; Portia and fellow residents created the current LTO for the family and scattered sites units of the AHA. Portia still actively serves as President. Advocating for the rights of others has always been a great passion in Portia’s life. She served 6 years on the Attleboro Council on Human Rights. Portia is college educated, a published author, a mother of four and grandmother of six.



My name is Kathleen Hunt, and I am probably best remembered from our last election as the person who initially won a seat on the Mass Union Board only to lose by one in the recount vote.  On that day, I did a lot of standing up and sitting down during the nomination process so I am hoping I will be more successful in this upcoming election.

I have been a resident of Topsfield living in Senior Housing for the past 12 years and President of our Tenant Association for the past 8.  While each of us has a unique story on why we live in public housing, most if not all have experienced some financial change, illness and the challenges of aging. Moving into Senior Housing, I imagined wine gatherings, movie theater bus rides, chair yoga and social interaction. What I encountered were isolated, angry residents afraid of the Executive Director, who gossiped about their neighbors or who acted like the mean girls of high school. I made a conscious decision to form a tenant association to empower residents, to stand up as a group against bullying, and find the positives in our remaining years.  It has taken 8 years to finally have a Housing Authority Board that is pro-tenant, to have the Tenant Organization listed on the Board of Director’s Agenda, and to have residents attend a social function to actually have fun.  This accomplishment was based on building our community through constant interaction, transparency and making each resident reach out to a new resident, his/her neighbor and be recognized for acts of kindness. Prior to my retirement, I had another life as a Professor, a United Way Board Member and other credentials I hope you won’t hold against me. I am very analytical, hardworking and have a dry sense of humor.



My name is Rosa Marchese,

I was born in Corato Bari, Italy, where I lived with my family until the age of six. We moved to Venezuela, South America. I married and had three sons.

In 1983 we moved to the United States and a few years later we opened our Italian Bakery and my three children became US citizens.

In 2008 my husband passed away and I had to close our bakery and go to work for other people.

In 2019 I moved into Belchertown Housing and became a United States citizen. I was also elected Secretary of our newly formed LTO.

I am an empath that speaks English, Italian and Spanish. I have had three years of working with residents in public housing and tying to educated our Board of Commissioners and Executive Director about our LTO.

I feel my skills would be an asset to the Mass Union Board.

Thank you for your consideration.



Greetings all,

My name is Cassandra Page.

I am a long time resident of the Belmont Housing Authority.

I served on the BHA board as both the treasure & assistant treasure.

Since I was a teen I’ve dedicated my time doing volunteer work in many capacities. From soup kitchens to coaching sports, I enjoy helping  people of all ages.

In 2019 I started my journey helping other low income residents. I reached out to Mass Union for help getting the Belmont Tenant Association started. I played a crucial role in organizing the TA so they could be a recognized LTO.

I have organized several holiday drives for residents at the family & elderly developments.

I look forward to continuing my public housing service work serving residents and hope to join the Mass union board of directors.


Cassandra Page


  1. I have lived at Waverley Oaks Senior Community, Belmont, MA for 5 years and this is my 3rd year as the Vice President of the Belmont Tenant Association. I also serve as the Treasurer.
  2. I have a college degree from Duke University, Durham, NC.
  3. I am MTA retired and had a dual career in business and education.
  4. I know how to facilitate a meeting.
  5. I speak well.
  6. I write well.
  7. I listen well.
  8. I have a laptop and internet connection.
  9. I’ve been attending BHA regular and special meetings for 3 years and have been articulating tenant needs all of this time.
  10. I am a team player and believe in the shared pursuit of goals.
  11. I have attended the last two Fall Conventions of Mass Union.I’m a board member of the non-profit Belmont Against Racism and I believe in justice, equity, compassion and affordable housing.
  12.  I was appointed to the Belmont Housing Authority Board effective April 3, 2024.